Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

how much you know about love?

what is called LOVE?
sincere love is a feeling that based on affection

there are various kinds of love:

1. AGAPE: unconditional love that comes from god to man
are not expecting a reply or even ready to sacrifice profits.

2. Storge: love because of blood ties
are willing to help, pay attention, sincere in any circumstances, want to protect and forgive each other

3. Philia: love friendship (friend)
nature did not intend to seek profit for themselves, is associated with responsibility, attention, appreciation and awareness of others

4. EROS: love lust (sex)
based on the attractiveness of someone who is personal and not at all. eros love demands a special relationship that led to the sexual union

nah, now with this information you can know what love you have for others.

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