Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

what PHARMACY school?

pharmacy school is a school who scored the nation's children who have expertise in medicine.
here I will meceritakan lika Meander pharmacy school children travel on the road rather solo-Sudarso yos.
begins with a written exam for entrance into a new student, the time it takes an extra thought. and proceed by following the orientation period students (MOS), where we spent spent, rather embarrassed for a single week, but behind it all their brothers were my classes have good intentions that invites us to learn independently and in collaboration. after the MOS finished there's no time anymore to play activities with friends outside of school, because from morning until almost night we gain knowledge, then followed by a repeat-daily tests which makes me feel tired yet still no expense to make these tasks Other
a child's pharmacy is not as easy to imagine:
rarely see the morning sun my face
moon stars and night became my friend while driving home
the more rain that always comes ahead of return to study and prepare for tomorrow:)
during the night week where children and teenagers enjoy nights a week, children pharmacy instead they go through and enjoy the tasks that have been piling up and keeping teachers dri
sunguh weight of this school trip, but believe something that we planted will we reap, we'll get the results when the time comes: ')

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